A fast-growing, non-native broadleaved tree that produces timber with good wood properties and has attractive autumnal colour. There are currently 852 ha of the species in Britain, and it could find an increased role on drier soils in the south and east of the country as a result of climate warming. One of a number of red oak species a number of which have shown positive traits as specimens or in limited plot trials and warrant further research.
Red oak is categorised as a secondary tree species. These are tree species that have demonstrated positive silvicultural characteristics in trial plots, but gaps in knowledge constrain wider use. The species are being actively evaluated to increase understanding and inform future deployment.
Native to eastern North America and a long-standing plantation species in the Netherlands, Belgium and northern France. Initial results from provenance trials in England indicate that seed should be sourced from southern Canada. Experience has also shown good stands in north-western Europe produce seed suitable for use in Britain.
Red oak is fully cold hardy in Britain and is widely planted as a specimen tree for its autumn foliage colour. Best suited to moderately dry to moist soils of poor to medium nutrient status and outgrows native oaks on acid sandy loams. The species is windfirm and moderately tolerant of exposure and drought.
Red oak should be planted at densities similar to native oaks if timber production is a management objective, i.e. a minimum of 3100 stems per hectare for new planting and 2500 for restocking. With good establishment practice initial growth can be rapid and it will establish quickly.
The species is intermediate in shade tolerance when young, but loses tolerance quickly and is a light demander when semi-mature. It will produce seed at 20-25 years (40-50 years reliably) under the right conditions and will naturally regenerate, but seedlings are unlikely to survive under a full canopy.
Epicormic branches are not considered an issue with red oak and the crowns will respond well to thinning. Management should select 100 future crop trees per hectare early in the life of the crop and then apply crown thinning to ensure rapid diameter increment of the selected trees. Using this approach should produce a target 60 cm DBH in 70-90 years depending on site quality.
Red oak typically out-performs native oaks by one or two yield classes on dry sandy soils with GYC 6-8 typical, and occasionally GYC 10 after 40-75 years. The species coppices readily with good light and when protected from browsing; anecdotal observations would suggest growth similar to sweet chestnut on appropriate sites.